How to Practice Guitar Without a Guitar
I have been counting down the days these past few months and TOMORROW I am finally leaving for my Europe vacay! In this post, I wanted to talk about what I’ll be doing on vacation to refresh my guitar inspiration and not lose all my practice progress I’ve made these past months. I will not be able to bring a guitar with me, so all these tips are for the traveler who can’t bring their instrument with them!
Finding More Time For Playing Guitar
When you are passionate about guitar, it’s easy to feel bummed when you can’t seem to find the time to fit it in your life as much as you’d like to. In this blog, I’ll give you a few tips that have helped me add guitar in my life daily!
Bring Your Guitar Skills Back from Vacay
Lost your guitar skills on vacation? Find out how to get them back here!
Practice Like you Mean It
It's easy to go through guitar practice time and not feel like you've improved at the end of it. Here's some tips to help you get the most out of your practice time.